Ayoob. That's it. That’s the Story.
My Closest Friend and Multidisciplinary Artist From Libya.

Many llustrative artists are focused on achieving fame and success, no you can really see it, try holding a conversation with them. However, fear not there is hope. There’s an illustrator out there that does not cater to those whims. He’s one for the shadows but I am honored to have shed light on his talent. The illustrator I am talking about is Ayoob, an illustrator from Tripoli, Libya. So why Ayoob? Two Words. Work ethic. That’s what separates him from many other illustrative artists. I have the honor of working closely with him. The best part about working with Ayoob is that you get to live in his world. Some interesting facts that you ought to know about Ayoob are that he plays football, he does programming, enjoys family time and makes sure that he surrounds himself with genuine energy.
Ayoob is an introverted artist that I came across in 2016. This is the time when Ayoob was a well-polished fan of musical artists, neck deep in the history of the music, especially hip-hop. He’s still the same, now the world knows him for the creativity that he brings to life with his work. He creates art purely out of adoration of his favorite artists. Fast forward to 2019, Ayoob’s latest collaboration with The Weeknd sold out within a few weeks. We all know that The Weeknd is one for the fans and Ayoob will forever be etched into history as the first fan who collaborated with The Weeknd on designing fan merchandise.
The trials and tribulations he’s faced over time have perfected his craft. However, I see that he is always working towards taking his art up another notch. Below is Ayoob’s rendition of The Weeknd’s “Starboy” era. This is a token of Ayoob’s appreciation for The Weeknd’s music and its impact on his life. The artwork takes inspiration from The Weeknd’s “Starboy Era” exhibiting vibrant colors which strike an array of emotions into the viewer's eye. The Weeknd himself approved of this artwork leading towards a later collaboration.

In terms of accreditation, they are beyond comprehension for someone his age. He is only 23 years young, surging with artistic talent. He has exhibited his artwork across art displays in Libya such as the Moomken Art Exhibit. Ayoob has also been interviewed on radio shows for Libya. Getting to know him as an artist is an amazing experience itself. His work exhibits his golden personality. Amazing art is produced through inspiration, so where does Ayoob get his inspirations from? Early influences such as Kanye West left a mark on his artwork. You can see that if you scroll through Ye’s older artwork as well.
Every art piece he’s worked on gives a glimpse into his creative process, his introverted personality colliding with the fireworks of his mind. One can say this internal process is like the big bang, creating universes of creativity merged with Ayoob’s own experiences.
Not one for the spotlight, he is truly the culmination of a multidisciplinary artist, genuine human being and an overall blessing to the world of illustrations. Call it cliche, but that’s something you do not find in many artists of his measure.
Ayoob has worked with and gained the adoration of artists that make music you love listening to. The Weeknd, Raury, 88GLAM, I47, and many others.

To think an artist out of Tripoli, Libya designing/collaborating with a big brand like the Weeknd alone is something taken out of a fairytale in Libya. Ayoob has had his fair share of struggle in his own country. He has faced immense discouragement in the form of a family, even his own friends (Real Friends by Kanye Cues In). I want you all to know this is not some form of pity that is being taken on Ayoob. The reason he is here today is cause he ain't never gave up. Word to Future. This is a testament to the two words that separate him from other artists, work ethic.
I am sure all the readers are now aching to hear the story of how Ayoob worked with The Weeknd. In late 2018, The Weeknd took notice Ayoob’s work when Derek Wise from the XO camp reposted Ayoob’s rendition of 88GLAMS single ‘Lil Boat’.

What followed after was just a series of appreciation notices and applauds from everyone in the XO camp. The Weeknd commented on the artwork; “ Bro this is insane. Definitely the look”. This truly was the beginning of something beautiful.
I was here, witnessing history being made as The Weeknd’s management reached out to Ayoob. This took Ayoob’s work to heightened levels as he continued to make his mark in the creative industry. I look at him as an inspiration to myself and other creatives.

This journey was not easy, indeed. There were dark moments, as mentioned before in the form of family and even friends, experiences that discouraged him from pursuing his own greatness. That is where he has the love and support of his own idols that pushed him through, to keep working day and night.

Pretty cool right? A fairytale story of a Libyan boy who worked on a project with his idol. That’s not it, Ayoob is a part-time programmer and student as mentioned before. A kid that is destined to make his loved ones proud and haters find reasons to love. A true testament to his work ethic is his multi-disciplinary approach to life. Never leaving himself in one area of work. Furthermore, you can find his work on Instagram, if you search up his profile “@ayxob”.
Ayoob’s artwork has received amazing feedback from artists of all talents. Photographers, Painters, Art Designers etc. An example of this can be seen in the comments in his Instagram post below.

Below is one of Ayoob’s personal favorite from his own collection.

I will now take the time to leave some of my own personal favorites that Ayoob has worked on.
Below is a project that I helped manifest with Ayoob and is of an East Atlantean rapper, I47. This song features Champ as you can see in the background. These two artists have developed an amazing culture of music and art down in East Atlanta and they represent some of the key musical acts that hail from the East Atlanta community of rappers. Ayoob worked on making sure that the artwork fit what the artists represent as you can see below.

There is no better way to conclude this article by stating that work ethic is something that Ayoob has never lacked. His struggles are a culmination of the art he has put out to the world. He has done this in moments of darkness. Stories that are darker than the depths of a black hole. I can say with joy though that I was there for him as a friend, as a brother and as a witness to his greatness. There is more that still awaits Ayoob.
There are more projects that are to follow even after collaborations such as with The Weeknd and 88GLAM. Stay tuned for more.

It’s quite safe to say he has garnered the attention of his home crowd, his idols, his peers and anyone who appreciates good artwork. With this, I end an article highlighting the greatness of a friend, brother, and creative known as Ayoob.