Another Short Excerpt on sitting late nights and grinding it out in Tokyo in the hotel lobby.
Remember how beautiful the transit system of Japan was and or still is? From my last article? you did read that right? cause if you did not, then you missed out on details added prior to this article. So basically small fun parts about Tokyo.
TRAVEL (continued)
The Tokyo transit system is host to the world’s busiest station, Shinjuku. The system is also native to world-famous Hello Kitty Station. The Shinjuku station alone services about 3.6 million passengers daily. As if that station is the busiest station in the world was not enough, Japan is host to 45 busiest stations of the world out of a total of 51 stations.
The transit system is my absolute favorite and you have seen me talk about it for a sweet minute. Japan also offers female-only carriages on the metro line to prevent unwanted physicalities on the train. Then there is also a station that opens twice a year from August 4th to 5th known as the Tsushimanomiya Station, on the island of Shikoku, for festival reasons.
One of the coolest tourist attractions I have visited in Japan is the Sensoji temple. (浅草寺, Sensōji, also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple) is a Buddhist temple located in Asakusa. A temple built in the 7th Century, It maintains and boasts a very old school appearance. The temple is nearest to the Asakusa subway station, with only a maximum ten-minute walk by foot.
Did you know that the temple is also a host to a shopping street of over 200 meters, called Nakamise, leads from the outer gate to the temple’s second gate, the Hozomon. The street has many varieties of stores catered to tourism.
Fun fact, the temple is meant to be protected by two deities that are essentially “positive demons” in the words of Jaydev.
OK! so that does it for the length of this short excerpt I hope you enjoyed it and you will be seeing more of this. I am not disclosing how many parts we will be having but stay tuned.
Today’s day was amazing and productive as we went to the Shibuya ward and we were fortunate enough to learn about urban history in that area. Sarah, I and Kana were out and about in the ward enjoying our time. We went to a cute lemonade stand called “Lemonade by Lemonica”. Kana is now my favorite japanese human being. She showed me around, gave me pointers and made sure translation was not an issue for me.
Forever grateful to you for that Kana. See you in Canada one day my gyal.