Routine Efforts That Keep Your Business Going.

There’s so much potential in you to CREATE.
Let me start with the humblest of beginnings, this is a guide to aligning yourself with the right path and if you want to succeed in every season of your respective market. This is in no means a restrictive pathway. This article focuses on business and innovation heavily. I can honestly tell you from a research point of view, the world of innovation will never cease to amaze me because every day new ideas are bursting out at a pace that outstrips the Industrial Revolution, Green Revolution even The Internet Revolution, of which we see advancements in nowadays.
I would like to share with you some of the key aspects of a business that showed me true growth hacking.
Always incorporate a thirst for innovation.
Let me elaborate, for example, you have heard of Capital One right? if not, it is a global banking and credit card business. Now, why did I mention them? Capital One was the first Banking business ever to incorporate Alexa into their voice-activated financial transaction business. Alexa is the infamous voice recognition software provided by Amazon and it has revolutionized our initial hardware based communication with software. Why did I just tell you that bit of information? Well back in the days, being physically present at a bank location was the way to handling a financial transaction. Then, they brought online banking to you, and here Capital One’s innovation just gave you the authority to talk to that online banking. The authority lets you proceed with business as per usual. Without you even physically touching anything except talking to voice-activated software. Why did I even tell you all this? well here’s the fun part and key takeaway from point #1 of this article, always be the first in your category, and if you are not the first, then definitely create innovation from a new standpoint of view. Either way, you are going to have to be the first in your category, or do not expect high sales and so forth.
Do not follow the norm, destroy your comfort zone if you have to.
I learned quickly from a young age I was unable to do amazing things or produce events that stirred conversation in the minds of people. To do that I would have to move out of my comfort zone or destroy it for the sake of progression. I remember when my professors would ban technology use in class and nowadays they cannot teach a class without encouraging students to use their technology for better learning. This is called destroying a comfort zone to enable further learning. Learning comes in shapes and sizes but what learning does not come with is a comfort zone. Learning comes with the exchange of information between two entities, humans etc. but how do you facilitate that? You let go. You stop wondering what could happen, you just go for it, knowing you put the effort necessary and you learn from it. That is what I call a growth hack. Ok, so I got a little technological tidbit for you, we all know this “rivalry” between Android and IOS right? So remember whenever you got a feature that was unique to your OS, it was made possible because some developer sitting in silicon valley got out of his/her comfort zone. It was not because they wanted to, but because they NEEDED to.
Always pull off a random act of kindness for loyal customers, workers, etc.
We all love Christmas, but what we do not see in Christmas versus other times of the year is random acts of kindness. Christmas is meant to be the season of giving and rewarding. My cousins always come over for sleepovers and they would bring a small gift of appreciation every time, that is not a random act of kindness, but sure was and still is till this day unexpected. Every time my cousin’s brought something different as a token of appreciation. Now, what is this moral of this story? To do acts of kindness when people would least expect you to or would expect you to have malice in your heart when you truly mean no harm! I can definitely tell you the number of times I have been to stores and when I leave with a token of appreciation I come back to the store within 72 hours. That is just the one simple thank you that is ensuring that company’s next sale. I urge you out of the three routine efforts, this is by far the most important. Remember, a business is only as good as its network. How do you network? You produce random acts of kindness and give people something tangible or non-tangible to remember you by. That is referred to as random acts of kindness even when nobody is expecting that.
What did you learn from this? Well, I’ll keep it sweet and simple, you have to be willing to be number one and that means standing out from the competition. That includes the adoption of innovation if you already have competitors in your market. With that being said let me talk about what you need to branch off and that is destroying or stepping out of your comfort zone. That means adopting strategies other people would not think about. Making sure that whatever you are doing keeps the conversation about you alive and in good standing with the market. I can personally tell you that this has done wonders for me and that is why I have pushed this in the article. Last, but not least is performing random acts of kindness. Why is that important? First of all your customers will always remember you by the stuff you gave them and for free sometimes!! And second of all, they will become constant customers because they know you add value to their lives. THEY WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Question is, will you go against the norm, innovate and do random acts of kindness that builds and expand your networks? If you said yes to this, my job here is done, and if no, then I’ll leave you with a little gift at the end of this article that allows you to work on that.
I love giving, it’s truly the best feeling ever. As much as I love creating value in life I want to leave you with an idea(s), make of it whatever you want of it, please feel free to comment questions or reflections at the end of this article.
Here’s a list of skills that are in high demand for the current year, 2019.

I hope you will pursue one of these amazing skill sets and build upon them as such. If you have any questions once again feel free to comment and ask away.